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Two Dietitians in a Kitchen Blog

Thai Cashew Goodness

Stir-fries of all kinds have a place in my home, I don’t discriminate. They’re quick, easy, inexpensive, balanced and so flavourful. Admittedly, I’m usually not a recipe follower and most of my stir-fries are created by first taking a look in the fridge, freezer and pantry for my 4 stir-fry components (meat/meat alternatives, vegetables, grains and flavour). A typical weeknight stir-fry might have frozen shelled edamame, frozen veggie mix, leftover frozen rice (oh yes, you can freeze leftover rice!), sesame oil, peanut butter, soy sauce, garlic and ginger. Yum! Am I right?

On special occasions, I am known to break out my famous Thai cashew stir-fry dish. This is one stir-fry I have made so many times that I have the recipe memorized and always have the ingredients on hand. The delicate blend of Thai flavours are complimented perfectly by the addition of the roasted cashews. Want to make your coworkers jealous? Double the recipe and pack leftovers for a flavour-packed lunch.

Ingredients can be washed and chopped at least a day in advance. Store ingredients together as they appear in the recipe (ex. garlic, onions and peppers cook first, store these together). I like to measure my sauce components in a small mason jar the day before so I can easily shake to combine and pour! This style of cooking is called “mise en place” which roughly translates to “put in place”. This is what cooking shows like to do, so recipes appear perfectly seamless! Cooking this way at home makes the whole experience more efficient and fun!

I had fun creating another short cooking video to go along with this recipe. Enjoy!

This recipe pairs well with rice or rice noodles, whichever you prefer. You can also feel free to add chicken or shrimp to the recipe and adjust spice to taste. Remember, recipes are just a guide, make it your own!


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